Modern Service LIVE Now

 Traditional Service LIVE Now

 Traditional Service LIVE Now

Parent Corner

SPLASH INTO SUMMER WITH US! Parents, we have created a resource center for you that has everything you need to know about what’s happening during the Summer. We also have some fantastic resources to keep your students engaged in the Gospel while on break from...

Raising Boys and Girls

Please join us for Raising Boys and Girls with David Thomas and Sissy Goff on Friday, March 22 and Saturday, March 23. Limited childcare is available, and registration is required.

Intentional Parenting and Raising Boys and Girls

As a parent, do you desire to parent out of love and not out of fear? Would you rather respond than react in frustration? Spending real time–connected, engaged time with your son or daughter with no iPhones, iPads, or anything in between? Join us for a weekend...

Father-Daughter Dance

Dad’s, brush off your dancing shoes! It is time for the Father-Daughter Dance! Registration is now open! Students in 4th grade and older will attend the dance on February 1, and students 4-years-old up to 3rd grade will attend the dance on February 2. Both...

The Art of Conversation

Do you find it difficult to have meaningful conversations with your kids? It is time for a Conversation revival! Ashley and Heather Holleman want to show you how easy it can be to break down the barrier of communication. Learn practical suggestions, including some...