We exist to help people find truth, belonging, and purpose in Jesus.
Statement of Faith
God the Father
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Jesus Christ (Son)
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Holy Spirit
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Eternal Security of the Believer
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Priesthood of the Believer
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The Church
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Baptism and the Lord's Supper
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Church Leadership
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Church Discipline
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We believe that the Bible teaches church discipline. God disciplines those He loves (Heb 12). He uses the leadership of the Church to prayerfully administer His discipline (Gal 6:1) according to Scripture (Matt 18:15-18 and 1 Cor 5:1-13). Discipline is administered in hope of restoring the one who has fallen into sin back to a right relationship with God and the Church. Matt 18:15-18; 1 Cor 5:1-13; Gal 6:1; Heb 12

Key Values
We desire for JFBC to be more and more like Jesus.
Jesus had that amazing balance of being totally committed to obeying God’s will and yet was the most caring, loving, forgiving person who ever walked this earth. Sinners and the irreligious were drawn to Him. We hope that from the moment people first participate in a worship or ministry activity at JFBC they will experience the spirit and character of Jesus Christ and will be drawn to Him.
Matt 22:36-40
We consider worship to be our number one ministry priority.
We desire worship to be Spirit-led and Christ-centered. We desire Sunday morning worship to be the highlight of each person’s week…the most inspiring and exciting time of his or her week. We believe personal worship through a daily quiet time is a key preparation activity for corporate worship.
Psalm 2:11; Matt 2:2; Matt 28:17; Rev 4
We want to reach as many people for Christ as possible, both locally and globally.
Our local mission field is East Cobb County and North Atlanta. Our global mission field is Jerusalem (East Cobb & North Atlanta), Judea (State of Georgia), Samaria (United States with ethnic diversity) and the uttermost parts of the world (whole world). We see prayer, giving, partnerships, and going as the four major key activities for reaching our world for Christ.
Matt 28:18-20; Acts 1:8
We believe preaching and teaching God’s Word is central to discipling believers.
We believe God’s Word is perfect truth in its entirety. We believe in teaching God’s Word in every ministry (babies through senior adults). We believe it is our responsibility to call on the Holy Spirit to reveal the relevance of God’s Word to everyday life.
We believe in an unchanging message and are committed to ever-changing methodologies.
We believe that the message and beliefs of the Church never change but methodologies of ministry may change continually under the leadership of the Holy Spirit. Spirit-led innovation is encouraged over tradition and status quo.
We want to have a “kingdom vision” for ministry.
Under God’s leadership we will work to build up and cooperate with other Christ-centered, Bible-believing evangelical ministries.
We want to be faithful stewards.
We believe it is the responsibility of the Church and its members to be faithful stewards of the resources God has entrusted to them.
We believe prayer connects us with God, our power source.
Luke 19:46; Romans 8:26-27
We want to do ministry with excellence.
Philippians 1:10, 4:8
We believe in “Extra Mile” servant ministry.
We believe in servant ministry to members that always seeks to go the “extra mile.” We want our members to be treated better than the best business would treat their regular customers. We believe in servant ministry to our prospects that always seeks to go the “extra mile.” We want our guests to be treated better than the best business would treat their potential customers. We believe in servant ministry with, and to, all ages. The Ministerial and Program Staff are called to lead, recruit, teach, and train people to do ministry, but we believe every Christian is called to be a minister.
Matt 5:41