November 4th, 2023

Senior Workshop

We are offering a 5-week Senior Workshop for the class of 2024. We know you are proud and are looking forward to your senior’s future beyond high school. In this season, we want to come alongside you and give your student resources and help prepare them for their next journey. 

After our ONE WKND kickoff of the Senior Workshops, we will offer four more opportunities for students to join. 

November 8th, November 15th, November 29th, December 6th

7pm to 8:30pm

3610 Blakeford Court
Marietta, GA 30062

1) How to have a vibrant, growing relationship with Jesus in college and beyond.
2) Developing godly relationships.
3) Being the healthiest version of who God has created you to be.
4) Engaging the post-Christian culture.