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Relive Easter 2023

Easter is always such a special time here at Johnson Ferry as we celebrate our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and all He did for us on the cross. Take a look back at some special moments from last year!

Join us on Sundays for

The Seven Last Words of Jesus … what were they, what do they mean, and what should be our takeaway? Join us each Sunday leading up to Easter as we walk through the last words Jesus said before He died on the cross.

Upcoming Events


“Hosanna in the highest!” Join us on Sunday, March 24, as guest speaker Dr. Al Mohler helps continue our journey to Easter with a special message.

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Why is Good Friday called “good”? Gather with us on Friday, March 29, as we unpack one of the most horrific but historic days of the year.

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He is Risen! Easter Sunday is on March 31, so bring your family and your friends, and let’s celebrate that our Lord conquered death and the grave.

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“The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted, ‘Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest heaven!'” (Matthew 21:9)

Join us on Sunday, March 24, as guest speaker Dr. Al Mohler helps continue our journey to Easter with a special message.


What is so “good” about Good Friday? Gather with us on Friday, March 29, as Pastor Clay finishes our “Seven Last Words of Jesus” sermon series and unpacks one of the most horrific yet historic days of the year.

12pm | Modern & Traditional Service

Parents, we will be providing childcare for our Good Friday service. Be sure to register as reservations are required.


He is Risen! Easter Sunday is on March 31, so bring your family and your friends, and let’s celebrate that our Lord conquered death and the grave.

8:30am | Modern & Traditional Service
10am | Modern & Traditional
11:30am | Modern

Parents, on Easter Sunday there will be no Children’s Sunday Groups or Kids Church; however preschool is available (no additional registration is required).